No landlord can avoid Scotland's Housing Tribunal. Rent increases, property access, rent arrears, tenant actions against you all involve the Tribunal. Key-Lets support you, inform you and guide you. Rent arrears is one big hassle. Rent arrears and evictions bans are a nightmare. Getting your rent covered and legal costs paid is what makes Key-Lets Rent Guarantee Service.
With hundreds of legal changes to meet, evidence and paperwork to manage, great tenants to find - come to Key-Lets, a local letting agent to take away the uncertainties of being a landlord in Scotland today. In return we can bring order to your property management, protecting you from the penalties, fines and prosecutions facing other landlords at risk.
Key-Lets are one of the few Letting Agents Ayrshire landlords go to for a specialist letting agent with decades of experience. We are not Estate Agents or Factors. We remain a family business who successfully manage long term lets. Key-Lets averaged three enquiries a week for our letting agent Switching Service during lockdown.
With hundreds of legal changes to meet, evidence and paperwork to manage, great tenants to find - come to Key-Lets, a local letting agent to take away the uncertainties of being a landlord in Scotland today. In return we can bring order to your property management, protecting you from the penalties, fines and prosecutions facing other landlords at risk.
Key-Lets are one of the few Letting Agents Ayrshire landlords go to for a specialist letting agent with decades of experience. We are not Estate Agents or Factors. We remain a family business who successfully manage long term lets. Key-Lets averaged three enquiries a week for our letting agent Switching Service during lockdown.
Now choose one of the available slots for a Zoom call with me, or one of my staff, to discuss your report face to face, virtually.
When you receive the report go online to the most popular web portals to see what is currently advertised and similar to your property - even if not in your immediate area.
Rightmove include a 'Days advertised' on the property page.
In normal times this can also give an insight if a property is overpriced.
Unfortunately, viewing restrictions in the pandemic have had a big impact on physical viewings, extending the time some properties are taking to let out.
When you receive the report go online to the most popular web portals to see what is currently advertised and similar to your property - even if not in your immediate area.
Rightmove include a 'Days advertised' on the property page.
In normal times this can also give an insight if a property is overpriced.
Unfortunately, viewing restrictions in the pandemic have had a big impact on physical viewings, extending the time some properties are taking to let out.
Feel free to contact us at [email protected] or book a Zoom call with me using our online booking system.
Our office number is still 01292 289289, but is only available for limited hours each week during the pandemic.
Remember to include a mobile number if you are sending an email and I, or one of the team, will call you back.
I have been using Zoom for some years now and find it a great and easy way to communicate.
Zoom meetings are a wonderful way of talking face to face while keeping to the latest social distancing rules.
Our office number is still 01292 289289, but is only available for limited hours each week during the pandemic.
Remember to include a mobile number if you are sending an email and I, or one of the team, will call you back.
I have been using Zoom for some years now and find it a great and easy way to communicate.
Zoom meetings are a wonderful way of talking face to face while keeping to the latest social distancing rules.
This means you pay 10% per month and save 175 each time the tenancy changes in your first year.
Security and stability are the twin goals driving our letting property management success over the decades since 1994.
We absolutely understand our landlords want long term tenants, who pay their rent and respect the property as their home.
To achieve the right results for you we demand high standards - starting with our tenants.
To get the right person for your property is about asking the right questions, setting the right filters and squeezing out risk.
Security and stability are the twin goals driving our letting property management success over the decades since 1994.
We absolutely understand our landlords want long term tenants, who pay their rent and respect the property as their home.
To achieve the right results for you we demand high standards - starting with our tenants.
To get the right person for your property is about asking the right questions, setting the right filters and squeezing out risk.
However, that reluctance radically reduced after 2017, when the Letting Agents Code of Practice became law.
And now the Pandemic has forced landlords to look again at their letting agents and how they manage their properties.
Key-Lets enquiries continue to rise from landlords seeking to move tenanted properties to a specialist letting agent.
Many of these enquiries are recommendations from our existing landlords, while others come from reading our blogs and information online.
In our experience there are a few common triggers that move tenanted properties from an agent to Key-Lets.
And now the Pandemic has forced landlords to look again at their letting agents and how they manage their properties.
Key-Lets enquiries continue to rise from landlords seeking to move tenanted properties to a specialist letting agent.
Many of these enquiries are recommendations from our existing landlords, while others come from reading our blogs and information online.
In our experience there are a few common triggers that move tenanted properties from an agent to Key-Lets.
Having an insurance policy to cover loss of rent when a tenant stops paying has been available to landlords for decades.
Key-Lets have protected our landlords with rent guarantees for over 20 years.
It simply gives landlords complete peace of mind when investing their hard-earned cash in Scotland's rental market.
These policies invariably include additional legal costs to recover your property from the tenant.
Again, a major saving to landlords who experience rent arrears.
A third benefit is policies usually pay a further reduced rental, usually 75% for two months, once the tenant has left and work is needed to get the property back on the market.
Key-Lets have protected our landlords with rent guarantees for over 20 years.
It simply gives landlords complete peace of mind when investing their hard-earned cash in Scotland's rental market.
These policies invariably include additional legal costs to recover your property from the tenant.
Again, a major saving to landlords who experience rent arrears.
A third benefit is policies usually pay a further reduced rental, usually 75% for two months, once the tenant has left and work is needed to get the property back on the market.
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