Seabreeze Homes are an independent Multi Award Winning Estate Agency. Being independent means, we work harder to offer sellers, buyers, landlords and tenants a superior personal service. Established in 1999 we have the experience and knowledge to keep up with the ever-changing market. All members of the team are experienced, qualified and professional.
We are proud to be able to offer our clients valuable honest advice and help them navigate the best path through the buying, selling or letting process.
We are proud to be able to offer our clients valuable honest advice and help them navigate the best path through the buying, selling or letting process.
Established in 1999 Seabreeze Homes are a local and national Estate Agency.
We cover both sales and lettings in Penarth Wales and Chelmsford is Essex.
Seabreeze Homes are an independent professional, qualified and multi award winning Estate Agency which has helped hundreds of client's dreams come true.
Since opening the office in Penarth Wales we have been recognised not only by our customer reviews but by the awards we have won as one of the best Estate Agents in Wales.
Advertising in local publications like Penarth view, The Property Mail and Vale Life we have showcased hundreds of properties to a local and regional audience.
We cover both sales and lettings in Penarth Wales and Chelmsford is Essex.
Seabreeze Homes are an independent professional, qualified and multi award winning Estate Agency which has helped hundreds of client's dreams come true.
Since opening the office in Penarth Wales we have been recognised not only by our customer reviews but by the awards we have won as one of the best Estate Agents in Wales.
Advertising in local publications like Penarth view, The Property Mail and Vale Life we have showcased hundreds of properties to a local and regional audience.
To be ahead of the curve we are opening hubs with directors handling a small number of exclusive clients providing a dedicated customer service 24/7.
The first hub we will be opening is in Chelmsford Essex.
Not only will you have a qualified experienced director working for you and also you will benefit from local and national advertising, online or within prestigious magazines like Essex Life, plus have a company that has hundreds of approved clients on a database ready and waiting to view your home.
The first hub we will be opening is in Chelmsford Essex.
Not only will you have a qualified experienced director working for you and also you will benefit from local and national advertising, online or within prestigious magazines like Essex Life, plus have a company that has hundreds of approved clients on a database ready and waiting to view your home.
When letting residential accommodation it must be accepted that a speculative venture is being undertaken and as such it is essential that steps are taken to effectively eliminate as many risks as possible.
As landlords ourselves we know the key to success is in having the right tenant in the first place.
Seabreeze Homes will not put any tenant into any property that we will not put into our own home.
We only choose the best tenants which have been thoroughly referenced through Homelet the number one referencing company.
As landlords ourselves we know the key to success is in having the right tenant in the first place.
Seabreeze Homes will not put any tenant into any property that we will not put into our own home.
We only choose the best tenants which have been thoroughly referenced through Homelet the number one referencing company.
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