Our unique customer service is what stands us out from the rest. We provide a quick and efficient services taking into landlords, sellers, buyers and tenants needs to get the best outcome for everyone. We have access to a building construction company who will be able to help Landlords with renovations, extensions and architectural designs. In addition to this we also have business links that will enable you to improve the energy efficiency of your property.
Please give us a call or email on the numbers provided to see how we can help you today.
Please give us a call or email on the numbers provided to see how we can help you today.
An EPC comes with a recommendation report which includes advice and suggestions on improvements you could make to save money and energy.
The Regulations state that the Landlord must have their gas appliances checked annually to ensure that they are safe.
Landlords are required by law to ensure that the electrical installation in a rented property is safe when tenants move in and maintained in a safe condition throughout its duration.
Greens Estate Agents have an in-house team of professional tradesmen on hand to cover a vast range of work, including plumbing & heating, electrical, damp and mould solutions, roofing, plastering, decorating, double glazing, locksmiths and much more.
The Regulations state that the Landlord must have their gas appliances checked annually to ensure that they are safe.
Landlords are required by law to ensure that the electrical installation in a rented property is safe when tenants move in and maintained in a safe condition throughout its duration.
Greens Estate Agents have an in-house team of professional tradesmen on hand to cover a vast range of work, including plumbing & heating, electrical, damp and mould solutions, roofing, plastering, decorating, double glazing, locksmiths and much more.
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