Landlord Direct are based in West Bridgford, Nottingham, but our portfolio of properties are located across the U.K., and we deal with property investments that include; longer term rental properties, city short stay developments, and holiday letting especially in North Norfolk being the nearest coast for Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire, Lincolnshire & Rutland.
Landlord Direct are an experienced property lettings team, who deliver an excellent service at very competitive rates. We achieve this by utilising the best of online technology in conjunction with a friendly 'person to person' delivery of our services to our clients. We are the ideal partner for the private property investor looking for sensibly priced letting services backed up by a wide range of property experience and excellent client reviews.
Coversure is was one of the largest property insurance brokers in the U.K. speak to Paul Harle and his experience team to check you are getting good value for money and a proper level of cover.
Landlord Direct are an experienced property lettings team, who deliver an excellent service at very competitive rates. We achieve this by utilising the best of online technology in conjunction with a friendly 'person to person' delivery of our services to our clients. We are the ideal partner for the private property investor looking for sensibly priced letting services backed up by a wide range of property experience and excellent client reviews.
Coversure is was one of the largest property insurance brokers in the U.K. speak to Paul Harle and his experience team to check you are getting good value for money and a proper level of cover.
Landlord Direct offers good old fashioned service, person to person.
We have a loyal following of landlords built up over the last 15 years and continue to deliver a quality led service.
Advertise your rented property on Rightmove for up to 3 months - landlord carries out viewings.
Virtual viewings - we will convert your mobile phone property tour videos and upload them onto Rightmove.
Landlord Direct is here to make sure our clients let their properties in line with current regulations, and our friendly staff liaise with landlords throughout the process.
We have a loyal following of landlords built up over the last 15 years and continue to deliver a quality led service.
Advertise your rented property on Rightmove for up to 3 months - landlord carries out viewings.
Virtual viewings - we will convert your mobile phone property tour videos and upload them onto Rightmove.
Landlord Direct is here to make sure our clients let their properties in line with current regulations, and our friendly staff liaise with landlords throughout the process.
Use this tool to upload your property photos for use with the tenant find service.
Enter the same name and street you used when submitting your order previously so we can identify your listing.
You can rotate the photos if you like using the circle arrows shown when hovering the mouse over the photo.
Enter the same name and street you used when submitting your order previously so we can identify your listing.
You can rotate the photos if you like using the circle arrows shown when hovering the mouse over the photo.
It is a legal requirement that property offered for rent must have an Energy Performance Certificate in place.
They can be ordered online, they are relatively inexpensive, and once obtained last for 10 years.
It is now a legal requirement for landlords to obtain and display an E.P.C. on their rental property advertising.
By law you must now display the whole front page of the EPC document on your property adverts and written property details.
Landlords must obtain a copy of their E.P.C.'s in a file format that can be uploaded to internet adverts, called a PDF File.
They can be ordered online, they are relatively inexpensive, and once obtained last for 10 years.
It is now a legal requirement for landlords to obtain and display an E.P.C. on their rental property advertising.
By law you must now display the whole front page of the EPC document on your property adverts and written property details.
Landlords must obtain a copy of their E.P.C.'s in a file format that can be uploaded to internet adverts, called a PDF File.
Landlord Direct can offer an experienced & cost - effective short stay rental & holiday letting service.
We are a registered ' Safe Agent' so all our client funds are protected and properly insured.
There has been strong growth in the amount of landlords deciding to offer their properties on a short stay or holiday let basis.
Many landlords are sick of over bearing letting regulation, being tied into longer fixed term tenancy agreements, tenant bias with the Tenancy Deposit Scheme and arrears process, problems with utility usage, and know that building weekly cleaning into the rental, keeps their property to a high standard.
We are a registered ' Safe Agent' so all our client funds are protected and properly insured.
There has been strong growth in the amount of landlords deciding to offer their properties on a short stay or holiday let basis.
Many landlords are sick of over bearing letting regulation, being tied into longer fixed term tenancy agreements, tenant bias with the Tenancy Deposit Scheme and arrears process, problems with utility usage, and know that building weekly cleaning into the rental, keeps their property to a high standard.
FREE online gas, electric, water supplier registration for new tenant occupiers email : info@tenantshop.co.uk.
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Your moving in to your new house or flat, so you will need to organise a phoneline and Broadband Connection, so make sure you take advantage of the best deals in the telecommunication market, and reduce your living costs.
Just moved into your hopefully rather cool new apartment or house, you need some some new music to get that new home, feel good factor, your bound to have lots of visitors to entertain so create the mood, new home, new life, new music.
Compare from the best online catalogues all on one site, delivery and installation available on most products where required.
Your moving in to your new house or flat, so you will need to organise a phoneline and Broadband Connection, so make sure you take advantage of the best deals in the telecommunication market, and reduce your living costs.
Just moved into your hopefully rather cool new apartment or house, you need some some new music to get that new home, feel good factor, your bound to have lots of visitors to entertain so create the mood, new home, new life, new music.
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